
All content shared and sold by Sensory Preschool are protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I hold licenses for all the fonts and graphics that are not my original work. These licenses allow me to use clipart and fonts in a transformative way to then sell commercially.

By buying from Sensory Preschool, 'you' (the buyer) are only granted a limited license to use my digital products for personal use with your students. You are not given permission to reuse any part or the whole of these digital products for commercial purposes. If you are interested in using the clipart, font or other graphics in your own designs, for personal or commercial use, you can visit the original creator to purchase a license. 

Below is a list of all the artists I have used in any of my past designs. Some I use more regularly than others. Some I may have only used one specific graphic in a singular product design.

If you have any specific questions about my sources, you can email me at

Artist Credits (In Alphabetical Order)

Bunny on a Cloud, TPT Store

Chirp Graphics, TPT Store

Creating4 the Classroom Clipart, TPT Store

Creative Clips Clipart - Krista Wallden, TPT Store

Dancing Crayons Designs, TPT Store

Design Pixie Store, Etsy Store

Digitalartsi, TPT Store

Graphics from the Pond, TPT Store

Hidesy's Clipart, TPT Store

Kimberly Geswein Fonts, TPT Store

Little Bunnies Designs, TPT Store

LittleRed, TPT Store

P4 Clips Trioriginals, TPT Store

Rainbow Sprinkle Studio - Sasha Mitten, TPT Store

RamonaM Graphics, TPT Store

Whimsy Clips, TPT Stores

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs, TPT Store